I had been following a blog for long time and really liked the manner in which it was running. This created a curiosity that maybe this person is running some more websites which I dont know.

Then I thought of finding out which all websites are hosted on this server. For this we need to do a reverse ip lookup.

Reverse IP Lookup brings us a list of websites that are hosted on the same server of the given domain.

Some of the sites which provide this service are given  here



It is an excellent free service.

2 – DomainTools.com – Paid

When free service is available why look for paid!!!

Also you can find domains owned by same person using the Same Google Adsense / Analytics Account checker, for more details about finding using this see Methods to find websites owned by same person – SOLUTIONS

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How to find other websites of same owner
Sites hosted on same server
Reverse ip look to find sites hosted on same ip